Wednesday, August 29, 2012

wth...i have a library list?

I have a very bad habit ...
I couldn't stop buying books ... although I've sort of tone down my addiction (thankful to my group of buddies who remind me when I have the urge ...hohoho).
I'm very well aware of the fact that I'm not capable of reading as fast as I replenish my stock but I still went ahead and buy.
I'm unstoppable in that sense.
Somehow there's this voice (the evil side of me) that say 'Go ahead, you'll find time to savour the book. If you don't reward yourself with something you like, when else do you get to enjoy? '

I keep buying so much so that I lost track of the books 
(a) that I want to read but not yet buy (usually due to price)
(b) that I want to read and bought 
(c) that I buy because I think I want to read
(d) that I bought but not yet read

so to avoid buying the same title (same book with different edition / cover), I decided it'll be best to have some indexing of the books I have ... currently I'm using author name for indexing and include details such as 
(a) author name
(b) book title
(c) hard / soft cover
(d) price I paid 
(e) place & year of obtain
(f) status - completed / reading / next in line ...

as for now, I'm determined to stop buying till this year end until I clear a little more from my existing pile. As always, did I mention about exception?? =p 
I really need to go to ONE before the year end ... the one with the WOLF .... lol

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