Thursday, November 01, 2012

today 1 year ago (part 2)

Arriving at the O&G, I approach the nurses at the counter. I bet I doesn't look like someone who's in labour. 
I told them I have slight bleeding. They asked if it's alot. I wanted to show them the photograph I took this morning but they were not interested...haha. (I took photo with my phone cause I may not know how to explain the 'patch').

The nurses helped me with the registration and while waiting to be called in for examination, I needed to go toilet. The toilet there cannot be locked. I'm not too sure whether the lock was spoilt or it was intentionally not to be locked just in case of emergency.

My name was called and I was lead to a examination room. 
There, they asked me some questions and looked through my file. I was then asked to lay down for them to attach fetal monitoring device to track baby's heartbeat and contractions.

To be honest, I think I have a little phobia of the fetal monitoring ... it reminded me of my experience with my little boy. His heartbeat dropped from 140+ to 70+ for 2 times or more(I couldn't remember clearly) and the machine keep making the 'ti ti ti ti ti' alert sound. Everyone is rushing around me. All I could think of at that moment was I'll just agree to anything as long as my baby is safe.  

Back to here. So, they monitored me for 30 minutes or so. 
Baby heartbeat ok. The contractions were interesting. I could see the readings go higher and higher each time I have contractions and they were once every 15min - 20min with a few braxton hicks contractions that come 5-10 minutes apart . The doctor on duty was a female chinese doctor. She was gentle when performing VE (VE = vaginal examination to determine how dilated is our cervix in preparation for childbirth). 

After all the monitoring and checking, the findings : 
contractions were pretty consistent but I'm only 1cm dilated. 
So nothing can be done except to be sent home. We were advised no need to come in unless heavy bleeding, water bag leaking, or lack of fetal movement. 
Else, I'm to come in again to be induced a week later (due to gestational diabetes, they do not allow me to go way past my EDD : estimated due date).

So I'm all relieved, telling dear that I can still have coconut drink. I even told him that it could be days before the actual delivery. My colleague who gave birth 2 weeks before me had to wait 4 days (from 1cm dilation) before the actual delivery.

That saturday night, knowing it could be my last saturday pasar malam trip before I give birth, I insisted to go jalan jalan and buy all the foods that I wanted to eat. 
By then, I was feeling quite tired with the contractions and back pain. Looking back, I wondered where the hell have I got so much energy.

That night I still managed to catch some sleep after some gym ball session. Woke up a few times to go to the toilet but I forced myself to sleep back. 
I have no idea why but I seemed not to remember very well the night - the last night I'm able to have a full sleep. Because from then on, my nights / sleep were always broken into  a few session not a single long sleep...

It's also funny how near I'm to delivery and yet still refused to accept the reality. I still have not finish packing my hospital bag (read : refused to pack)

to be continued...

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