Monday, July 31, 2023

small blessings

Our family is into avocado lately and avocado family is growing. These cuties are sleep companions every night.

I have been trying to advocate savings to my youngest but she doesn't seem to be able to grasp the concept of delay gratification. So when she showed me this article which she cut out from the newspaper on saving money and start saving her pocket words can clearly describe what I felt. I'm really really thankful. And I learnt that some things is really can't be rushed.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

growing more succulent

  Succulents are survivors. I adore them. Somehow they 
  survive and multiply easily. 
And they make me feel relaxed looking at them
especially those that shaped like lotus flower

and showed us how amazing nature is
My intention, grow and multiply them and give them to friends and family
Please grow well 
and I'm grateful to you for bringing me joy and relaxation. Thank you 


Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Growing and improving every day

She is growing and improving each day albeit at her own pace. Today she shared with me a secret how she can remember what she learnt or need to remember. She said : do revision of the thing to remember before sleep. Then before you sleep after you off the light, you say the things that you want to remember out loud. You photostat (copy) the thing that you want to remember in your brain and you go through it again in your brain. You will remember it tomorrow when you wake up in the morning.
I'm grateful she found a way that can help her be better in her learning. I'm grateful that God showed her the way and showed me the way. Thank you


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