Thursday, December 11, 2008

projects + projects = more projects + pening

I've sort of upgraded myself =p hehe
instead of just dealing with projectS at work, I'm now working on projectS on projectS outside work.

The best part is, coincidentally, all the projectS (the one inside and the one outside) due the same time.

Why is life all about projectS?
Didn't we left that particular subject of 'PROJECT' at school (or some say at U)

ok, enough of talking for today...
let's get back to projectS
(finish this pile of projects before the next pile staggered on)


Lawsh said...

my bosses call this, you got work to do = job security safe :)

if got a new project = your job security is safe for that period of the project

anechoic said...

its not projectS but project$

:D looks like Su later become $u liao :D

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