and while I was housekeeping 2010 folders, I found some of these (mostly from the last Quarter of 2010)....some material things that made me happy even until now... haha (I've always been this materialistic, couldn't get rid of old habits)
free backpack for cod liver oil (400ML bottle) ... although only managed to get one design, penguin & tiger out of stock due to I got to know about this promotion too late. Nevertheless very worth it, RM9.80 for cod liver oil (considered very cheap) and children back pack good quality.
free planner that comes with Marie Claire magazine ... must admit I bought the RM7 magazine because of the free gift... stupid ho.
Suprise gift from PIDM - leather lookalike diary, calendar & pen. Darn lucky because I was asked to go because the person supposed to go was on MC. Not sure if I'm supposed to give it to the person but I just kept it. Moreover, I'm taking over this function so ....
A whole year free supply of baby shampoo, baby bath, baby cologne .... thank you CY!
Stumbled upon this 130 pieces puzzle @ Daiso (RM5 shop). Love the picture. Very lucky of me to always 'meet' the things that I like.
Stumbled upon this event while surfing and since I was on holiday, decided to pay a visit. Never regret doing so because I found the greatest deal ever ... children books @ 90% discount from MPH booth.
Children big puzzle - RM1.50 each set after discount. Original price RM15.00 - I bought all different sets. They come with slightly kemek boxes but in my attempt to lug everything home, I've discarded the boxes upon making payment...another sign of kiasu'ness.
All books here less than RM2.00 each (even for thick cover books) except 3 top left books with magnetic pages @ RM3.00 each. Some were just a 50 cents (original price RM5.00)
special because papa tried many many ways and at last successfully got this bunch of balloons from the ceiling of a restaurant where we attended dinner.
RM2.00 for each pair.
3 colours of the same design ... can't get rid of old habits though.
One of the best book sales I've ever attended. Looking forward to this year's. Go together, anyone?
Some very comfortable 1 piece suite all the way from Europe for ah bi ... thanks to 'ku jie'.
The same pack I saw from Marks & Spencer here in Malaysia is so much more expensive. RM99 vs. RM40 (8 pounds). Crazy eh?
Hope more is coming for 2011 ...
I figured a way to be happier in 2011 ... to lower my expectations.
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