Tuesday, September 22, 2015

the 'OWL' in children speech & language development

This morning (yesterday morning to be exact), I attended a parenting workshop under speech therapy unit @ HUKM.
I went with an empty mind to learn.
and so I brought home 'OWL'
O - Observe
W - Wait
L - Listen
I must admit, in the haste to let my youngest one to learn talking, I've think I've made it quite stressful not only for myself but has imparted stress on her too. 
So, after this, I'm going to make learning and stimulation in a more relaxed and peaceful environment.
Children learn best during play and when they are happy, peaceful and relaxed.. I must make it a point to remember this.
Thank you for sharing techniques and ways with us.
Hoping that more parents can benefit from these sessions. Kudos.
pic source : mycutegraphics.com

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