Monday, June 28, 2021

getting started with jigsaw puzzle


It all started when I was decluttering and found some treasures ... puzzles. I love to do them when I was young and single and carefree and with time to spare. Nowadays it's luxury if I can find time to sleep. The boxes of puzzles are still with plastic cling wrap so I will never throw them. I was busy taking pictures and started asking around almost every group in my messaging list to see if anyone interested and passionate about jigsaw puzzle. Managed to give some of the big pieces floor puzzle to neighbour's niece. Other than that, no one seem to be into jigsaw nowadays. 

Lucky enough, a close friend in one of my usual 'talk everything' group suggested that I keep them for my children ... which turn out to be the best idea. Jigsaw puzzle develop our brain, our focus, our perseverance, our patience. All in all, it's a great tool for children development. So, over the weekend I try to get children to get started, hoping that once started then it's no going back, they will be like their mother.

Lucky luck was on my side, we started with some 'quick win' to gain interest. Something small and achievable ie. 120 pieces with colourful pictures to build up interest and confidence. Hopefully the rest will fall in place and like they say, the rest is history. 

In retrospect, this mco seem to be a blessing in disguise. It makes me stop, take a breather and do things I won't usually do (or rather things I won't usually have time to do). If no mco, I wouldn't be so diligently cleaning and clearing my home, and if I don't clear I won't find the jigsaw puzzles, and if I find with the busy schedule, we may not have time to explore...

This is just the beginning, I know it's still a long way to go...but never try never know

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