Friday, October 28, 2005


nice song they play over radio on my way back =)

每一天 都有一些事情将会发生
every day, something will happen
每段路 都有即将要来的旅程
every road, there will be a coming journey
每颗心 都有值得期待的成分

every heart, will be something worthwhile to look forward to
每个人 都有爱上另一个人的可能
every people, will have possibility of loving someone
想爱 就不能害怕会有伤痕
to love, then shall not be afraid of getting hurt
没有人完整 却有人能信任 才找到永恒
no one is perfect , but we can trust someone, then 'forever' found
想到达明天 现在就要启程
to reach tomorrow, have to depart now

as long as you can lead me to future journey
想到达明天 现在就要启程

to reach tomorrow, have to depart now
you can let me see
黑夜过去 天开始明亮的过程
the dawn after dark

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