Sunday, May 06, 2012

radio radio

I remember during my schooling years, I came up with all kind of 'can-thin-of-excuses' for my parents to get me a radio / cassette player. Among the reason I gave is listening to music will help to improve memory & performance. Still I ended up having to save my own money to get my own radio.

and so I got my radio, my parents brought me to the electrical shop and I selected the one that was within my budget. 

However, once the radio is on my study desk, i started listening more intently to the radio instead of studying.
I started picking up latest chinese songs, got very updated with the chinese music industry gossip, can memorise all the radio station frequencies, knew almost any DJ that was on night shift, can even memorise and recite the radio program at night from monday to sunday upside down.

the best part, I even started buying blank empty cassettes ever ready to record compilations of my favourite songs. 

thinking back, I really missed those times when I can sit down in the middle of the night...listening to the radio while the night goes by (although i'm supposed to be studying).

I'm thankful to that loyal little radio of mine. My sister is still using it.
One thing I didn't regret doing was listening to the radio every night without fail ... for that was i think how I got to pick up my native language.

so once again, radio radio kam xia lu!

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