Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I know what me did last week

there are little little things in life that can bring alot alot happiness.
there are small small experiences in life that can make big big differences
.. some experiences me may not have if not for someone who make the effort and took the trouble to bring me along..
or actually allow me to tag along :p

my experiences may be just 'chicken feet' to some but they definately meant alot to me, really :)

I've always wanted to be at the rooftop (open air) of a building and couldn't believe me did just that last week.
How often, we ordinary people are allowed to go to rooftop without authorised access (minus those in movies)
The building need not be very high but the view is spectacular & it makes me wonder 'how come it's so nice up here? ' and 'how come I am so fortunate to be here? '
Enjoying the view & being with someone you want to be with is blissful.

Make me realised 'I'm one lucky gal' :p
the cool night wind after rain makes it even more beautiful

but that's not all ... me being me
or for those of you who know how naughty me can be
me was not complacent with just being there ... me walked on 'rooftop' ... climbed on the blue roof (slope gradient minimal) and walked around
and that was after much coaxing for him to let me do so ... me know u're worried about my safety :p but where else can me try, when else can me try if not during then :p
never mind that me was wearing skirt :p it was dark anyway :p

what's behind that door?
me got to see what's behind the AHU door, a bigger version though ... like the size of a small shipping container
but still it was the strong 'wind' that amazed me ... real strong wind that you feel like almost can be blown away
me stood there for a few minutes, reluctant to leave nevermind the hair became like 'soh po' liao
we walked around many places at the rooftop, he was telling me alot of things
while me only managed to look with my mouth open ... like how we react when we are astonished
sorry, me cannot remember the terms & functions liao ... if not can share :p

Most people got money or day-off (claimed for OT), me got 'da hoi ngan gai' (literally translate : open eye view) at OT
'OT' btw, is where doctors 'cut' open people, do 'something' and 'sew' them back
for people like me who's not smart enough to study medicine, being in an operating theatre is indeed 'bonus'
nothing beat seeing the 'big round light' , the two arms ... with a row of sockets & another row of backups, and the cool sensor water tap.
the more we walked, the more me discovered how me have not seen many things

me treasure all these great experiences, alot
and grateful to the person who made these possible
come to think of it ... something new & fun to begin new year with :)

ps. sorry if later part of the post sounded 'sleepy' cause me really sleepy :p

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