Thursday, April 03, 2014

upside down

I've just gone back to work for 2 days (today 3rd day) 
and I'm feeling upside down.
I'll be so tired by the time 10pm (or even before that) that I dozed off only to realise at wee hour in the morning that I've not wash the bottles, prepare tomorrow breakfast and lunch, pack things for tomorrow use... and a dozen of 101 things ...ironing, folding laundry (and yet you wonder I still got time to write this post? LOL)

I need to change my habits ... I don't know how long will I last if I continue like this.
(this being said as my workload at work is still not maximise)
maybe sometimes we couldn't really have it all ... and there's a price to pay.

ps. and I realised sitting @ work without much physical activities and sunshine is not really that healthy. Not even mention about looking at the computer screen many at times.

well, enough rant, life still have to go on... just that there's still various rooms for improvement.
and many many thanks to a bunch of close buddies who keeps me going thru watsapp (everytime I feel like giving up) thank thank you so much =D


Unknown said...

set a routine that works best for's always tough to adjust at first but once you find the pace, it will work out. Do rest more Su, health is much more important. :)

Su said...

totally is much much more important

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