Monday, March 05, 2007

for roosters

Yesterday was Chap Goh Meh .. literally translated from Hokkien as the 15th night.
It also marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations.
Chap Goh Meh is also Chinese Valentine's Day. On this night, unattached ladies to throw 'kam' a.k.a mandarin oranges into the sea, rivers or lakes, hoping the other half will appear.
I've been to one of such occasion at Taman Tasik Permaisuri with a group of close friends.
Stop blinking ^^! hehe .. yah, I've been there and even thought of throwing 'kams' :p
To begin the year, a peek into what the piggy year offer to us roosters :D

Dramatic but a reputable person who works systematically Hardworking, resourceful, talented and confident.
Vivacious and popular socially, but may have a tendency to brag insensitively.
Outspoken and loves to attract attention. Always take good care of their family and can handle money well.

The Rooster, or Chicken as he is called, is the Don Quixote of the Chinese cycle. The dauntless hero who must look to the earth to survive, he is the most misunderstood and eccentric of all the signs. outwardly, he is the epitome of self-assurance and aggression, but at heart he could be conservative and old-fashioned.

The Rooster-born, especially the men, will be attractive, even dashingly handsome. The princely fowl is radiant and proud of his fine feathers and has an impressive carriage. You don't find any roosters slouching; they strut about with dignity. Even the shyest member of the Rooster family will cut a neat, trim figure and maintain a special bearing wherever he goes.

There are two distinct type of Roosters.
The rapid-firing, extremely talkative ones and the deadly solemn observer types with the X-ray vision. both are equally hard to deal with.
The Rooster has many outstanding qualities to crow about. He is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, upright, alert, and most direct. He can also be critical to the point of brutality. Don't ever ask him his frank, candid opinion--you may never recover from his comments.
He loves to argue and debate, showing how knowledgeable and smart he is, some- times with little regard of the feelings of others. But when his feathers are ruffled in return, he is insufferable. He isn't cut out to be a diplomat. Situations regarding tact, delicacy and discretion will cramp his style. His way is to go about trying to convert everyone to his way of thinking with a missionary zeal. He shines when he is the center of attraction.
Tremendously imposing as a personality, he could well pursue any career that exposes him to the public eye.

The Rooster likes: Hard works, Fresh Air, Neat but Casual, Challenges, Nature and Control.
The Rooster dislikes: Laziness, Weakness, Technology, Illness, Practical Jokes and politics
Our luck in 2007

Overall Forecast
Everything seems to go against you. The environment will not be to your favour. Beside, you will also be troubled by your health or family. Black as the situation looks for you, and beware of outdoor safety. Optimize your social network and social activities. A careful living would make you healthy.

You will not have a most happy and prosperous career under the influence of much inference, but good relation and hard work can make it possible to land on your feet. Your luck is so unstable that new ideas, such as starting a business or changing jobs, should be taken into consideration. Without full preparations, you would suffer loss even in golden time.

A characteristic of Rooster this year is your numerous in love life. Arguments over different views with your family will bring tensions. There may be separations between couples or lovers, and you should keep your head and tolerant to enhance communication and understanding. Participate in a number of social whirls to make more friends. Heighten your vigilance, or you would into a trap. You will enjoy a routine family life by sharing the feelings of your family members.

Wealth Your wealth luck is average. Budget and management will be keys for this year since spending increases but not on the revenue. These measures should be taken as quickly as possible so that you could make preparation mentally and physically. There will be various temptations from investment, but your pragmatic on your decision-making before plunging into the market blindly. Your problems on capital turnover will be resolved miraculously
source :
Feng Shui Hut 軒
風水 Geomancy Consultancy Services

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