Friday, May 04, 2007

When a man loves a woman

I'm pretty sure most of us would have heard of this song
'When a man loves a woman'

I read in a magazine that
'When a man loves a woman', his primary goal is to make her happy.

It was also mentioned that
'His mate fulfillment was the reward that make a man’s labour worthwhile'

someone care to tell me how true are these statements?
honest answer will be very much appreciated =p

next question .... when a woman love a man, her primary goal is ...............?


anechoic said...

Yes it is very true.

When a woman loves a man, I not sure. Need to read more. :P

Su said...

When a woman loves a man.. personally I think we want the man we love to be happy too =)

Why not share with us if you happen to find the answer =P

Unknown said...

when a woman loves a man, she will support him through thick and thin and wish him happiness even if they are not meant to be....

Su said...

keef, if I am a guy.. you've got me with that answer of yours. beautiful :) from inside out & I'm serious

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