Monday, June 08, 2009

getting angry

Looking back, I almost never got angry for the past 6 - 9 months ... and hope to keep it that way =)
I think I almost forgot how to get angry ...
Everytime when I'm about to get angry, I will think who am I to judge others and why should I be angry when I myself make mistakes as well. Sometimes I will also think 'What if this is the last moment of life I get to see this person and yet I spent it getting angry and souring the relationship with this person?'
And because of not getting angry and stating my 'opinion' in a firm manner ... many may feel or see me as a person with no 'stand' ...
but let me share with you, I have my 'stand' ... it may differ and it may be the same as others ... but I do not see the point of getting angry just for the sake of winning the argument. Sometimes the one that wins the argument loses all.

I do know of people who get angry at the slightest things .... and these people are the one suffering themselves in the end. We do not need to suppress all our anger all the time ... but do not let it consume us and the people around us.
You may want to try not getting angry for a week .... a month ... a quarter
you'll feel different ... as though the world is suddenly so much more a nicer place to be in (no kidding =)


Lawsh said...

tried to control my anger somewhat and have succeeded BUT this searing heatwave just cut my already short fuse even shorter.

have to agree with you on the one who wins an argument with angry statements is usually the loser :)

anechoic said...

su, try tell that to my supervisor, his anger is so 'keng', most ppl can't tahan and yah, he MUST WIN.. :X

for me, i only angry when driving alone, so many stupiak drivers..haha.

cy said...

hehe, i do know the feeling when ppl think that u hav no stand.

hmmm, this past few years I got 'fire' ady. Know how to get angry.

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