Monday, June 08, 2009

that's where I discovered ..

Popular Warehouse Sales at Summit USJ
that's where I discovered my motherly instinct kicking in.
I don't know much Chinese words yet I struggled to read and understand each book I lay my hand on ... mostly children book.
Being a bad storyteller, I'm afraid I'll run out of bedtime stories to tell my children in future.
Thus, I'm preparing myself with stories to entertain my tiny tots =D plus the challenge of reading the stories in Chinese (with hanyu pinyin) hehe ^^!

I was very happy as there were VERY GREAT deals at the Popular Warehouse Sales ... imagine books like these going for RM1 to less than RM5 except for the set which costs RM24.90 with 2 hardcover 150 pages book and a story telling VCD.

Sometimes cheap stuffs can be precious gems too =D (to me at least)


anechoic said...

hmm, these books got pin yin inside?? good way to learn.

if run out of stories, just tell them ur naughty stories lor..hahaha.

Su said...

yup, they all have pin yin =) else I'll have a hard time finish reading a page =)

lol...naughty stories are for when they are more grown up ... kekeke =p

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