Wednesday, November 03, 2010

if you are the boss, what will you think?

Yesterday some 'unforeseen' thing happened.
It made me want to dig a hole in the ground & put my head in there.. haha

My daily routine include pumping milk in the office in the morning before I even start work.
Yesterday was no exception. Except that yesterday in a hurry (as I was a little late) I've button my work shirt one-side-up.
If you are wondering how it look like, try imagine buttoning the 2nd button to 1st hole and thereafter. You will have a sidelooped collar & a shirt with 1 end shorter than the other end.
"Nothing too embarassing ... just go ladies & button it back" I hear you said. Yup, that was what I did when it happened a few weeks back.

But ... but this time, I landed myself in a 'smelly mud pool'.
I was sitting at my place when my big big boss came over to ask me something.
He continue talking while walking away, so in my attempt to confirm with him whether any action need to be taken at our end, I did the most 'wrong' thing, I stood up and walked towards him. He say no worry, he'll ask the other department to do.
The 'dumb' me then went back to my place and continue with work.

It was only about 15 minutes later, when I walked into the ladies and saw myself in the mirror, I laughed my gut out. No wonder my boss was looking at me strangely just now.
How in the world can I do such a 'crazy thing'?
There goes 'the undone' of all my past efforts for the whole year.

the question is 'How can you trust a staff who can't even button her own shirt properly manage a project?' ... A very valid question.

Now I have another question for myself ' How can a mother teach her children button shirt properly when she (who don't know have buttoned shirt how many thousand time) can create new 'style of buttoning'? haha..

ps. last time a friend of mine told me I'm like a '傻大姐' ... which I denied but now I can't help but agree fully with

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