Tuesday, March 31, 2009


At last, I've adopted wishbone home.
According to the caretaker, wishbone's lucky for she was 'checked out' a.k.a adopted only about 2 hours after she was 'checked into' SPCA.

I lost count of how many dogs (mostly puppies) I've hugged and pat and I still had no idea why wishbone was chosen.
In fact, I saw her shivering in her cage. People usually avoid shivering dogs for fear of illness or weakness. But somehow, I just feel like bringing this poor puppy home.

I promised wishbone that this journey together is for life ... I'll never at any one point of time give up caring for her.

Ironically, wishbone is one of my wishbone wish come true.
I've one more important person to thank for being so supportive of me and wishbone. He was the one who taught me that you get to make a wish when you get the longer end of the 'Y' shape wishbone. and that was how we ended naming wishbone - wishbone =D

*wishbone trying to get out from the box to play*


Unknown said...

so cuteee....me wanna play play with her...:P

cy said...

kawaiii !!!

Koze said...

awww... so cute nehhh...

:) i wish to make a wish when i saw it.

BOy or gal? looks like a boy.hehe

Su said...

keef : wishbone will like you ..since she likes to play =)

cy : wishbone will like you too .. since nobody say she kawaii before =)

Koze : sure, you can make a wish each time you call her wishbone..she's a gal.. a naughty one like her owner...hehe =p

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