Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm disoriented now...20 straight hours of no sleep

I'm disoriented now .... feel like in another dimension.
20 straight hours of no sleep, although not as terrific as last time during schooling times .... the body is so much older now.
Plus the toll of producing 'food' for my little boss ... the body is deteoriating very fast ... prematurely ageing.

I just need to get some good night rest (which currently not so possible due to night feeds) ... but why do I keep on not wanting to sleep and wanting to do as much as I can? when I'm already so disorientated? This is very bad...detrimental to my body and health. I just sometimes wonder whether my body has mind on its own instead of following what my brain says....or my brain has multiple personalities disorder?


cy said...

su, u need to sleep lerr ... no more midnite talk for both of us dy :P

Su said...

cy : but I need those midnite talk to boost my '8-ness' wo

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