Saturday, November 20, 2004

sodium nitrite

sodium nitrite - please don't ask me what it is?
as of now, I have no idea (yaloh, chemistry kept in peti harta karun dasar laut already =P
but that's not the main focus here

recently I bought a can of pork lucheon meat ( cantonese : 5 chan yok )
there was a small leaflet attached to it (usually they don't)
It read :
popularyly used in smoked, slated meat & pork lucheon meat, sodium nitrite is a preservative which can improve the colour & taste of the meat, but it will be decomposed into Amine Nitrite which is likely to cause cancer.
if eating too much, it will destroy the blood function in carring oxygen & cause breath debility
(off course, they also describe how they make the meat in such a healthy way)

language aside, now they are telling (me) this after (I) have consumed it for so many years
with or without sodium nitrite, I think I'm still eating
what that may bother me is JE, for we never know where the meat came from

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