Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy 'WOW WOW' year

There are too much to say this 'wow wow' year and honestly me don't know where to begin
This Chinese New Year is indeed special ... and one that will be treasured
We still do the same old things but with new different ways with more different people, with more meanings and joy
we still change notes, still scramble around for red packets, still pack angpows, still distribute angpows for my parents
still order and buy cookies, still prepare reunion dinner food (it's steamboat btw), still clean the house last minute, still decorate the house,
still 'pai nian' with my parents, still watch TV programmes, still eat alot of goodies .. not to mention finishing them before guests come :p
but all these were done with so much happiness no money can buy and despite being real exhausted but the reunion dinner compensate all.

this new year gave me more than me can ask for and me really grateful from the bottom of my heart.
It gave me hope and allow me to learn that everything has its beauty.. they really do

Eyes Feast
As with the previous years, me like watching CNY's advertisements
especially those that makes us say in our heart "so true wan" and leave a 'pinching taste' in us
those that reflect our attitudes
topping the list this year is
Petronas AD
3 grandmas 'yam cha'ing and telling each others how great and capable their sons are .. what are their professions, where are they working and how much they are earning (this is so typical but guess parents just wanted to share their proudness having capable children)
Then there's a grandma that has been listening attentively, when was asked by others about her son
she just replied 'he's coming to pick me'
it was the best sentence.
It was a heart warming scene to see the son came with the family to pick her, telling her that they will be going to Cameron Highland, holding her towards the car while grandma ask 'will it be cold there?'
my answer, grandma : it might be cold there but with family together there, you'll always feel the warmth in your heart :)

Food Feast
There's food aplenty during CNY ranging from main dishes to 'in between' cookies, mandarin oranges, junk foods and many many packet drinks..
me think my pants got tighter but it's cruel not to let myself eat during this period :p (err, in fact it's cruel not let myself eat at any other time :p)
knowing how much his daughters can eat :p my dad said to my mum ' ooi order pizza zoh, lei ge looi sa ma mm gao sik' ... 'need to order pizza already, your daughters all not enough makan'
mind you, we were having steamboat with many ingredients :D
yah, having steamboat because me don't know how to cook loh, that's why =.=

but me'll always remember one thing which my parents and babysitter say
' never waste foods. you never know how some people are without food, some working very hard for food '
Eating with our loved ones are such a pure and simple enjoyment .. me discovered

phone feast
yalor..referring to the sms'es received lo
thanks for all your well wishes and very very interesting sms'es
and they indirectly help me learn chinese characters too ;)
but me really want to pose this one leh although it took me some time to decipher
" may ur lokams get bigger & firmer. ur abalone gets tighter & juicy, n lastly may the lup cheong u abuse, is long n as hard as u wish. Gong Hei Fatt Choy "
dunno who send wan leh ho? :p
bro, u still remember u sent or not? :p

would like to write about 'wow wow' but am afraid me unable to stop :)
me read about people buying pet dogs for the 'prosperity' for this dog year but abandoning the dogs later.
' zou meh ooi hooi gam dui hui dei leh? '
they are kind. Don't believe? read below excerpt
Source : STAR TWO 26/1/06. page T6
Golden Retriever
the golden retriever is a beatiful breed with medium-length, cream-to-golden coat.
it is intelligent and well-mannered, easy to train, and is good with children because of its patience and gentleness.
it is friendly with everyone and has little guarding instinct but will still make a good watchdog as it will bark at approaching strangers.
the golden retriever is used for hunting and sniffing out illegal drugs as it has an excellent nose.
because of its obedience, it is also used as seeing-eye dog and help the disabled

wish all a happy, healthy, prosperous new year!!!
may happiness always be with you !!!

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