here I am, posting a day after the once in a lifetime 12.12.12
so how?
I'll say 'Go on with life' ... sometimes we do missed the boat.
And this is one of the many occasions.
looking back, yesterday @ 12:12:12pm, I was extracting milk for my little girl.
I'm glad that was what I was doing instead of stressing myself up with no-where-near-complete work.
for whatever come may,
I'm happy I spent time (at last after 2 months of procrastination) letting my little boy picking the photos he would like to put in the photo frames at home. And we had a good time decorating our home with those photos.
Seeing little boy helped papa putting together the simple wooden rack we got from IKEA makes my heart smile.
We may not know when it will all end ...
but hopefully we are able to do what we can and what we think is best for us and our loved ones.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
the good ool times ...
I wish I could let my children experience their 童年 as much as possible too, rather than being caught up in the competitive rat race..
《童年》 歌词
I wish I could let my children experience their 童年 as much as possible too, rather than being caught up in the competitive rat race..
《童年》 歌词
little one,
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Seriously, I need a break
Life @ work has been hectic and taxing for me for the past few months...
so much so that it has spill over effect over my life @ home.
I've a feeling that I'm running and running non-stop with no finishing line in sight.
I want to stop and rest but I couldn't.
I want to just slow down but I wasn't allowed to.
I think the only time I really will get to rest is when the time comes (you know, the bucket kicking time).
I'm really really tired ...
Seriously, I need a break or I might just break.
so much so that it has spill over effect over my life @ home.
I've a feeling that I'm running and running non-stop with no finishing line in sight.
I want to stop and rest but I couldn't.
I want to just slow down but I wasn't allowed to.
I think the only time I really will get to rest is when the time comes (you know, the bucket kicking time).
I'm really really tired ...
Seriously, I need a break or I might just break.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Let's take a break with something light =)
白羊女生最在意情人夠不夠性格、有沒有個性,軟弱沒主見的男生, 恐怕會讓白羊女生逃之夭夭。
金牛女生最在意老公有沒有認真、老實,就算對方很有錢,如果是花 花公子,她也難以接受的。
雙子女生最在乎情人的臨場反應,越聰明伶俐,越容易引起雙子女生 的共鳴。呆呆笨笨的老實人,會讓她興趣缺缺。
巨蟹女生只要對方認真踏實,其他的通通可以不管。事實上,巨蟹女 生最在意的是「感覺」,感覺對了,就算對方是個痞子也會愛上的。
朋友,至少有一兩樣事情,可以「端上檯面」。要不就是有錢、要不就是 有名、再不然也要夠帥…如果都沒有,那夠溫柔體貼也行。
凡是認真到有點過頭的處女座女生,什麼事都很在意,結果最後很容 易挑到怪咖型的男朋友。
天秤座女生好像最在意外表,挑帥哥來當男朋友。但事實上,她還希 望情人是個幽默風趣的人。
天蠍女生會最在意對方是否忠貞、誠實。此外,她也希望對方有與眾 不同的才華和魅力。
射手女生喜歡個性爽朗的男生,對她們來說開朗最重要,陰陰沈沈的 人她們可受不了。
十八歲以前的摩羯女生,只在意男友是否老實。十八歲後的摩羯女生 ,會努力挑一個未來的王永慶或比爾蓋茲。
水瓶女生在意的事很多,要頭腦靈活、不讓她覺得悶,又要溫柔體貼 、不讓她覺得孤單,又要夠獨立、不會讓她覺得煩。
對情人要求最少的恐怕就是雙魚,她們往往閉著眼睛談戀愛,反正愛 上了,就什麼都不在意了
Thursday, November 01, 2012
today 1 year ago (part 2)
Arriving at the O&G, I approach the nurses at the counter. I bet I doesn't look like someone who's in labour.
I told them I have slight bleeding. They asked if it's alot. I wanted to show them the photograph I took this morning but they were not interested...haha. (I took photo with my phone cause I may not know how to explain the 'patch').
The nurses helped me with the registration and while waiting to be called in for examination, I needed to go toilet. The toilet there cannot be locked. I'm not too sure whether the lock was spoilt or it was intentionally not to be locked just in case of emergency.
My name was called and I was lead to a examination room.
There, they asked me some questions and looked through my file. I was then asked to lay down for them to attach fetal monitoring device to track baby's heartbeat and contractions.
To be honest, I think I have a little phobia of the fetal monitoring ... it reminded me of my experience with my little boy. His heartbeat dropped from 140+ to 70+ for 2 times or more(I couldn't remember clearly) and the machine keep making the 'ti ti ti ti ti' alert sound. Everyone is rushing around me. All I could think of at that moment was I'll just agree to anything as long as my baby is safe.
Back to here. So, they monitored me for 30 minutes or so.
Baby heartbeat ok. The contractions were interesting. I could see the readings go higher and higher each time I have contractions and they were once every 15min - 20min with a few braxton hicks contractions that come 5-10 minutes apart . The doctor on duty was a female chinese doctor. She was gentle when performing VE (VE = vaginal examination to determine how dilated is our cervix in preparation for childbirth).
After all the monitoring and checking, the findings :
contractions were pretty consistent but I'm only 1cm dilated.
So nothing can be done except to be sent home. We were advised no need to come in unless heavy bleeding, water bag leaking, or lack of fetal movement.
Else, I'm to come in again to be induced a week later (due to gestational diabetes, they do not allow me to go way past my EDD : estimated due date).
So I'm all relieved, telling dear that I can still have coconut drink. I even told him that it could be days before the actual delivery. My colleague who gave birth 2 weeks before me had to wait 4 days (from 1cm dilation) before the actual delivery.
That saturday night, knowing it could be my last saturday pasar malam trip before I give birth, I insisted to go jalan jalan and buy all the foods that I wanted to eat.
By then, I was feeling quite tired with the contractions and back pain. Looking back, I wondered where the hell have I got so much energy.
That night I still managed to catch some sleep after some gym ball session. Woke up a few times to go to the toilet but I forced myself to sleep back.
I have no idea why but I seemed not to remember very well the night - the last night I'm able to have a full sleep. Because from then on, my nights / sleep were always broken into a few session not a single long sleep...
It's also funny how near I'm to delivery and yet still refused to accept the reality. I still have not finish packing my hospital bag (read : refused to pack)
to be continued...
I told them I have slight bleeding. They asked if it's alot. I wanted to show them the photograph I took this morning but they were not interested...haha. (I took photo with my phone cause I may not know how to explain the 'patch').
The nurses helped me with the registration and while waiting to be called in for examination, I needed to go toilet. The toilet there cannot be locked. I'm not too sure whether the lock was spoilt or it was intentionally not to be locked just in case of emergency.
My name was called and I was lead to a examination room.
There, they asked me some questions and looked through my file. I was then asked to lay down for them to attach fetal monitoring device to track baby's heartbeat and contractions.
To be honest, I think I have a little phobia of the fetal monitoring ... it reminded me of my experience with my little boy. His heartbeat dropped from 140+ to 70+ for 2 times or more(I couldn't remember clearly) and the machine keep making the 'ti ti ti ti ti' alert sound. Everyone is rushing around me. All I could think of at that moment was I'll just agree to anything as long as my baby is safe.
Back to here. So, they monitored me for 30 minutes or so.
Baby heartbeat ok. The contractions were interesting. I could see the readings go higher and higher each time I have contractions and they were once every 15min - 20min with a few braxton hicks contractions that come 5-10 minutes apart . The doctor on duty was a female chinese doctor. She was gentle when performing VE (VE = vaginal examination to determine how dilated is our cervix in preparation for childbirth).
After all the monitoring and checking, the findings :
contractions were pretty consistent but I'm only 1cm dilated.
So nothing can be done except to be sent home. We were advised no need to come in unless heavy bleeding, water bag leaking, or lack of fetal movement.
Else, I'm to come in again to be induced a week later (due to gestational diabetes, they do not allow me to go way past my EDD : estimated due date).
So I'm all relieved, telling dear that I can still have coconut drink. I even told him that it could be days before the actual delivery. My colleague who gave birth 2 weeks before me had to wait 4 days (from 1cm dilation) before the actual delivery.
That saturday night, knowing it could be my last saturday pasar malam trip before I give birth, I insisted to go jalan jalan and buy all the foods that I wanted to eat.
By then, I was feeling quite tired with the contractions and back pain. Looking back, I wondered where the hell have I got so much energy.
That night I still managed to catch some sleep after some gym ball session. Woke up a few times to go to the toilet but I forced myself to sleep back.
I have no idea why but I seemed not to remember very well the night - the last night I'm able to have a full sleep. Because from then on, my nights / sleep were always broken into a few session not a single long sleep...
It's also funny how near I'm to delivery and yet still refused to accept the reality. I still have not finish packing my hospital bag (read : refused to pack)
to be continued...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
today 1 year ago (part 1)
today 1 year ago...
I didn't suspect much although having diarrhea like episode was one of the signs I had for my 1st labour.
It was only when I notice I had a patch of bloody discharge on my underwear that I started to panic. Yah, I know this is not my 1st time but I still get nervous and worry if baby is alright.
I scrutinized and sniffed and looked and sniffed again to confirm whether are those blood fresh. Honestly I didn't know if labour is starting anytime soon. I only felt slight menstrual cramp.
I tried going back to sleep but I woke up the very next hour to the loo again. The bloody discharge seem to get lesser.
I started researching on the internet, some say that the actual labour could start in hour / days from the 'bloody show'.
So I reassured myself that perhaps I still have time to relax a little.
That Saturday afternoon (29/10/11), I've actually promised to meet a representative from one of stem cell banking company. When the rep asked for my estimated due date, I steadily told her still got a week to go... not knowing I'll be giving birth the very next day.
As usual, a trip to tesco without actually going into tesco is pointless for me...haha.
So, with many reasons ... such as wanting to walk more, easier to deliver and wanting to buy this and that, I managed to persuade dear to accompany me and little boy to tesco.
After tesco, since I still have slight bleeding, we decided it's best we go to the hospital.
So around 3pm that saturday, we went to hospital. I insist that ah dear do not drop me at the O&G emergency doorstep because I still want to walk for easier delivery.
Contraction come and go ... or so I thought they are braxton hicks contractions ... which I have during my 3rd trimester.
.... to be continued
most probably I'm still being stitched up in the labour room.
today here I'm reflecting on how much I've been through
In my mind, today 1 year ago was a 2nd chance my little girl gave me.
some people were puzzled when they found out I wanted to have a normal delivery after a cesaerean ...
but only perhaps God, me, baby and ah dear know how much I wanted a VBAC
and how much I've gone through physically and emotionally.
I still remembered clearly that Saturday morning
my due date is still a week away and I still have unsettled business at work.
Even my bag for hospital was not finished packing.
I feel like having diarrhea around 4am++ in the morning so I rushed to the toilet bringing with me a magazine (yes, I read while detoxing).
I didn't suspect much although having diarrhea like episode was one of the signs I had for my 1st labour.
It was only when I notice I had a patch of bloody discharge on my underwear that I started to panic. Yah, I know this is not my 1st time but I still get nervous and worry if baby is alright.
I scrutinized and sniffed and looked and sniffed again to confirm whether are those blood fresh. Honestly I didn't know if labour is starting anytime soon. I only felt slight menstrual cramp.
I tried going back to sleep but I woke up the very next hour to the loo again. The bloody discharge seem to get lesser.
I started researching on the internet, some say that the actual labour could start in hour / days from the 'bloody show'.
So I reassured myself that perhaps I still have time to relax a little.
That Saturday afternoon (29/10/11), I've actually promised to meet a representative from one of stem cell banking company. When the rep asked for my estimated due date, I steadily told her still got a week to go... not knowing I'll be giving birth the very next day.
As usual, a trip to tesco without actually going into tesco is pointless for me...haha.
So, with many reasons ... such as wanting to walk more, easier to deliver and wanting to buy this and that, I managed to persuade dear to accompany me and little boy to tesco.
After tesco, since I still have slight bleeding, we decided it's best we go to the hospital.
So around 3pm that saturday, we went to hospital. I insist that ah dear do not drop me at the O&G emergency doorstep because I still want to walk for easier delivery.
Contraction come and go ... or so I thought they are braxton hicks contractions ... which I have during my 3rd trimester.
.... to be continued
Saturday, October 20, 2012
re-cycle toys
remember those wooden peg which sometimes we use in art subject during our school times.
I stumbled upon some at the hypermarket alley during window shopping and couldn't resist getting them.
So with RM1.50, I brought all these little pegs home (i think about 20 of them.
I always tell my kid I've new games for them (eventhough I have not thought of any yet) and love seeing their 'looking forward faces'.
So when I opened the pack, I thought him how to clip and unclip (his fine motor skill a little lacking and still room for improvement).
Then I started making the pegs stand and he follows what I did. Here, he puts most of it up with me pretending to put the same old one again &

lazy to prepare the stuff for water colour to paint the pegs, I took the short cut and dished out magic colours. This stack scribbled by my little boy.


and this stack is those salvaged by mama ... as usual, all things colourful.
next upcycle project : making a photo line with some photos hanging with these clips on a metal wire =)
I stumbled upon some at the hypermarket alley during window shopping and couldn't resist getting them.
So with RM1.50, I brought all these little pegs home (i think about 20 of them.
I always tell my kid I've new games for them (eventhough I have not thought of any yet) and love seeing their 'looking forward faces'.
So when I opened the pack, I thought him how to clip and unclip (his fine motor skill a little lacking and still room for improvement).
Then I started making the pegs stand and he follows what I did. Here, he puts most of it up with me pretending to put the same old one again &

lazy to prepare the stuff for water colour to paint the pegs, I took the short cut and dished out magic colours. This stack scribbled by my little boy.


and this stack is those salvaged by mama ... as usual, all things colourful.
next upcycle project : making a photo line with some photos hanging with these clips on a metal wire =)
oh... and these are the cardboard cut out for playing memory game / matching game courtesy of campbell soup and pudding cardboard.
wish me luck in coming up with more games for little ones to avoid me giving them empty promises ... haha
Saturday, October 13, 2012
when he thinks we are sleeping
This is one of the many proof of things he has done when he thinks we are still sleeping..
Not only does he applied lotion to his 妹妹's face ... he also applied lotion on the poor little fella's face.
Sunday, October 07, 2012

an outdated post ... this year mooncake festival was celebrated like this ... and we get to eat the 'ling kok' the fruit that look like kerbau head with tanduk...

*** ps. can't wait for morning to come... one of our buddies is getting married =) wishing them 白头到老 =)
Thursday, October 04, 2012
dogs have their lookalikes too
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
you light up my life! you keep me warm!
Got this microwave oven at a bargain price.
Now I get to eat warm food conveniently without needing to reheat using steam method.
Knowing the lazy me...sometimes I just skipped the heating part previously.
Thank you so much CY for bringing me this!
and to SY too for sharing with me some secret recipes!
Birthday + mooncake festival present for little boy from my sis.
Comes with lights & music. both of them were fighting for it that it now has to be hung up high where only papa can reach.
Thank you mei mei.
1st big item purchase from IKEA @ RM69.
Again, was bought when ah dear out station for work else I may have left it as it is @ IKEA...hehe
Nevertheless, thank you ah dear for suprisingly assembling when I was at work previous Saturday =)
these 2 ... i got myself from the hinode RM5 shop. Pretty sure it's waste money but I've been looking & relooking the design since 2-3 months back (all the while considering whether to buy or not to buy). At last the devil won.
** the mosquitoes spray vehicle just passed by 2 rounds this morning around 5am.
Thank you very much to the person who take his job seriously in helping to eradicate aedes mosquitoes and fight dengue fever. God bless this person(s).
There were quite a number of cases @ this part of the town lately.
Now I get to eat warm food conveniently without needing to reheat using steam method.
Knowing the lazy me...sometimes I just skipped the heating part previously.
Thank you so much CY for bringing me this!
and to SY too for sharing with me some secret recipes!

Comes with lights & music. both of them were fighting for it that it now has to be hung up high where only papa can reach.
Thank you mei mei.

Again, was bought when ah dear out station for work else I may have left it as it is @ IKEA...hehe
Nevertheless, thank you ah dear for suprisingly assembling when I was at work previous Saturday =)
these 2 ... i got myself from the hinode RM5 shop. Pretty sure it's waste money but I've been looking & relooking the design since 2-3 months back (all the while considering whether to buy or not to buy). At last the devil won.
** the mosquitoes spray vehicle just passed by 2 rounds this morning around 5am.
Thank you very much to the person who take his job seriously in helping to eradicate aedes mosquitoes and fight dengue fever. God bless this person(s).
There were quite a number of cases @ this part of the town lately.
Friday, September 28, 2012
the richest chinese zodiac
Stumbled upon this interesting article on What are the richest chinese zodiac birth years?
when I complete reading & start relating ...
I realised we have 1 ox and 1 rabbit and 2 roosters
and I especially like the last sentence in the passage ... lol
Sunday, September 23, 2012
treats from colleagues
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
splurging again

The year has not ended but I've bought 5 new ones at one go (yes, you read right 5 at one go).
And I stupidly paid about RM116 so willingly..
This has got to be my most impulsive purchase so far this year.
My weakness is when they are on 70% and 80% row.
I bought it while ah dear was overseas ..
didn't want to let him know initially but I ended up telling him that
'I've spent money again buying clothes' which according to him I seldom wear.

This time it's going to take whatever I have to stop myself.
Monday, September 17, 2012
for the past few weeks
Note : boring stuffs ahead, skip if you don't want to be bored.
- had 2 session of ironing marathon ... had got used to iron with a few strokes only =p
- was lucky winning myself 8 bottles of Kinohitmisu Japan UV-bright - grape seed extract drinks (from those magazines coupons I sent)
- my home is flooded in the kitchen, luckily we came back on time, else we'll have waterfall at living hall area.
- my breastpump is not functioning well and I have to resort to manual pump. Having a bigger 'tikus' now.
- made a donation to an orphanage (as birthday present for my little boy). He gave his consent although I'm not too sure whether he understands ... hopefully he does.
- attended a close friend's Raya open house and admire her new home.
- join a pre-wedding dinner of a close friend. I remember we were there like 2 - 3 years ago and mention that the place is nice for hosting wedding / pre-wedding dinner.
- made my biggest sales so far, a corporate baby gift hamper. thank you very much. hoping more to come.
- 1st time having part time maid cleaning our home, she's so skinny and fragile that I was afraid her bones will break if I ask her do heavy stuff. My heart felt heavy when I saw the food in her bag. A pack of mamee, 1 roti krim and 1 roti bun for all the hard work she's doing? and she doesn't want to take a break even when I ask her to. Life is not easy for everyone so I learn not to complain.
- having some hard time @ work ... but I make it a point not to let if affect me. After all, it's just a channel of earning money for living.
- wanted very badly to sew comfortable patch blankets for my children but have to wait for enough money to get sewing machine. It's too big a project to be handsewn.
- happy that I was able to discipline myself to curb spending.
- didn't manage to finish a book but intensified my effort for learning chinese. I really desperate leh..
Friday, September 07, 2012
life's simple pleasure

I love to let my children play with toys that are non-toy.
(And also get scolding from their papa for letting them play with non-toy that are considered hazardous items)
By doing so, hopefully I'm able to teach them to appreciate simple things in life. To be able to make lemonade from lemons. To be able to create something out of nothing ...
So those previous weekends (when I no need to work like this coming Saturday) I'll let them experience real fun @@!
(although I suspect it's more I'm the one having most
I tried putting them into bath basin and drag them around like boat (minus the water) which my little one enjoy very much and will start shaking the boat if I stop to rest. She likes it the most when the boat makes a 360` turn.
And when I've burnt off enough calorie, I will just throw some treasure into the boat, she'll have some good time provided I remain in sight. That's how I get stuff done in the kitchen nowadays.

Now, she released that the laundry basket couldn't support her weight anymore when she stand up and tilt to a side (and mama wouldn't let her fall) so she got her easy way out dy
Perhaps it's time to make it more challenging =p
Saturday, September 01, 2012
at that time, he does have a few songs that I like very much. This is one of them.
Listening to them always bring back flashback of my childhood... my life back then..
something that I grew up with ... something that made me who I am today...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
wth...i have a library list?
I have a very bad habit ...
I couldn't stop buying books ... although I've sort of tone down my addiction (thankful to my group of buddies who remind me when I have the urge ...hohoho).
I'm very well aware of the fact that I'm not capable of reading as fast as I replenish my stock but I still went ahead and buy.
I'm unstoppable in that sense.
Somehow there's this voice (the evil side of me) that say 'Go ahead, you'll find time to savour the book. If you don't reward yourself with something you like, when else do you get to enjoy? '
I keep buying so much so that I lost track of the books
(a) that I want to read but not yet buy (usually due to price)
(b) that I want to read and bought
(c) that I buy because I think I want to read
(d) that I bought but not yet read
so to avoid buying the same title (same book with different edition / cover), I decided it'll be best to have some indexing of the books I have ... currently I'm using author name for indexing and include details such as
(a) author name
(b) book title
(c) hard / soft cover
(d) price I paid
(e) place & year of obtain
(f) status - completed / reading / next in line ...
as for now, I'm determined to stop buying till this year end until I clear a little more from my existing pile. As always, did I mention about exception?? =p
I really need to go to ONE before the year end ... the one with the WOLF .... lol
I couldn't stop buying books ... although I've sort of tone down my addiction (thankful to my group of buddies who remind me when I have the urge ...hohoho).
I'm very well aware of the fact that I'm not capable of reading as fast as I replenish my stock but I still went ahead and buy.
I'm unstoppable in that sense.
Somehow there's this voice (the evil side of me) that say 'Go ahead, you'll find time to savour the book. If you don't reward yourself with something you like, when else do you get to enjoy? '
I keep buying so much so that I lost track of the books
(a) that I want to read but not yet buy (usually due to price)
(b) that I want to read and bought
(c) that I buy because I think I want to read
(d) that I bought but not yet read
so to avoid buying the same title (same book with different edition / cover), I decided it'll be best to have some indexing of the books I have ... currently I'm using author name for indexing and include details such as
(a) author name
(b) book title
(c) hard / soft cover
(d) price I paid
(e) place & year of obtain
(f) status - completed / reading / next in line ...
as for now, I'm determined to stop buying till this year end until I clear a little more from my existing pile. As always, did I mention about exception?? =p
I really need to go to ONE before the year end ... the one with the WOLF .... lol
Monday, August 20, 2012
巫啟賢 《想著你的感覺》
巫啟賢 《想著你的感覺》
Growing up listening to his songs .. he is one of the rare talent (for chinese music industry) in our country last timeHeard this song over the radio and made a search ... then it brings back all those great classic songs by him.
I missed my childhood days ...
meanwhile, enjoy =)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
city hunter hunting
Before begin, here wishing all muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir & Batin.
Lately, instead of sleeping, I've been pinching time off for hunting city hunter.
Lately, instead of sleeping, I've been pinching time off for hunting city hunter.
I think I've got myself hooked.
and it's really no help that they put both handsome actor & beautiful actress together as the lead.


and it's really no help that they put both handsome actor & beautiful actress together as the lead.


Thursday, August 16, 2012
end of the world
The other night, I had a vivid bad dream.
We were in a classroom boss was there
the blood thick rain pelting hard against the broken window...
rain came in and started hitting us... everyone was running for shelter.
my boss is the most selfish ... running behind all of us.
I ran out of the class ... meeting another malay colleague
I remember asking her is this the sign of hari kiamat
she and another malay girl looked at the sun and said
"matahari jangan padam, kalau padam maksudnya semua akan berakhir di sini"
I saw the sun goes off (just like a light being switched off) ... signalling it's the end now and here
I remember shouting and praying very hard to God...
to allow me enough time to go back to my family..
to allow me to hold my children for one last time ... I want them safe in my arm.
to allow me to love them. protect them and be there for them for one last time.
I started running
It was then I was awaken by my little girl little cry for her nen nen (milk)
When I woke up, I was sweating, trembling and had traces of tears on my face and pillow.
Only god know how relieved I was upon waking up and realising I just had a nightmare.
I carry my little girl up for her feeding... and for that one moment
I feel blessed having to wake up for her feeding at odd wee hour in the morning .. for if the end is near, when else do I get to spend more time bonding with my children if not NOW.
We were in a classroom boss was there
the blood thick rain pelting hard against the broken window...
rain came in and started hitting us... everyone was running for shelter.
my boss is the most selfish ... running behind all of us.
I ran out of the class ... meeting another malay colleague
I remember asking her is this the sign of hari kiamat
she and another malay girl looked at the sun and said
"matahari jangan padam, kalau padam maksudnya semua akan berakhir di sini"
I saw the sun goes off (just like a light being switched off) ... signalling it's the end now and here
I remember shouting and praying very hard to God...
to allow me enough time to go back to my family..
to allow me to hold my children for one last time ... I want them safe in my arm.
to allow me to love them. protect them and be there for them for one last time.
I started running
It was then I was awaken by my little girl little cry for her nen nen (milk)
When I woke up, I was sweating, trembling and had traces of tears on my face and pillow.
Only god know how relieved I was upon waking up and realising I just had a nightmare.
I carry my little girl up for her feeding... and for that one moment
I feel blessed having to wake up for her feeding at odd wee hour in the morning .. for if the end is near, when else do I get to spend more time bonding with my children if not NOW.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Monday to Sunday (6/8 to 12/8)
The past few days of this week had been eventful.
Somehow it has given me the hope that life is still beautiful.
Monday (6/8/12)
started the week tired due to working previous saturday but was looking forward to submitting the claims.
The email on Wednesday arrangement flowing in and out has been building momentum to the actual day itself.
Received 3 pairs of flats from MIL - she got them for me at RM15/pair because she saw I was wearing sandals to work. (Actually I was wearing sandals because I can walk faster & easier in them and I have another pair of proper shoes in office)
Tuesday (7/8/12)
Thinking of putting some in when JPY rates dropped a little further than usual and wanted to open silver account but failed due to lunch time constraint.
Wednesday (8/8/12)
Today is the day we have been anticipating! Today is Keef & Elven ROM and for unknown reason I was feeling very happy & excited. Congratulations Keef & Elven both were very sweet. In fact, it was a very sweet & relaxing day for me.. taking pictures, going to Keef house, playing with Zhe Ming, spending time walking and shopping with buddies @ VIVA, having pumpkin porridge based steam boat for dinner. At the end of the day, I didn't want the day to end so soon.
Thursday (9/8/12)
Back to reality and attended a meeting on standardisation project.
Was forced to send out email detailing pending items and where we are stuck & who's responsible. It wasn't a nice job but it does get things moving.
Managed to put some in for JPY and opened silver account.
Friday (10/8/12)
Today's is another buddy (Foong Ling's) birthday. Wishing her healthy & happy always.
Also since friday is a more relaxing day (plus my boss is not around), I took a longer lunch and carry my 3 bags of to be recycle stuff to SOGO. In case you're wondering, we don't have recycle bin in my building.
I left on time and went over to KL convention centre for IBEX (International Baby Expo) to try to get some trade contacts and survey market. However was a little disappointed as this is merely a fraction of what we had in MVEC 2 weeks ago.
Saturday (11/8/12)
Another happy day for me... got to spend some time with my kiddies.
My elder one gets the chance to go swimming (thank to MIL) while my younger one gets the chance to have mama's full attention and all the pretty jie jie attention.
Really thankful to my bunch of good old buddies for coming over with buka puasa food and accompanying me for the night. Although tired, it made my days & nights more bearable especially when I have something to look forward to. Thank you very much CY, FL, KF & SY =)
Thanks to my buddies for the clothes they gave me too...I love them. Thank you very much.
Sunday (12/8/12)
Now it's time for bed ... to have a nice slumber and have another great day tomorrow.
Somehow it has given me the hope that life is still beautiful.
Monday (6/8/12)
started the week tired due to working previous saturday but was looking forward to submitting the claims.
The email on Wednesday arrangement flowing in and out has been building momentum to the actual day itself.
Received 3 pairs of flats from MIL - she got them for me at RM15/pair because she saw I was wearing sandals to work. (Actually I was wearing sandals because I can walk faster & easier in them and I have another pair of proper shoes in office)
Tuesday (7/8/12)
Thinking of putting some in when JPY rates dropped a little further than usual and wanted to open silver account but failed due to lunch time constraint.
Wednesday (8/8/12)
Today is the day we have been anticipating! Today is Keef & Elven ROM and for unknown reason I was feeling very happy & excited. Congratulations Keef & Elven both were very sweet. In fact, it was a very sweet & relaxing day for me.. taking pictures, going to Keef house, playing with Zhe Ming, spending time walking and shopping with buddies @ VIVA, having pumpkin porridge based steam boat for dinner. At the end of the day, I didn't want the day to end so soon.
Thursday (9/8/12)
Back to reality and attended a meeting on standardisation project.
Was forced to send out email detailing pending items and where we are stuck & who's responsible. It wasn't a nice job but it does get things moving.
Managed to put some in for JPY and opened silver account.
Friday (10/8/12)
Today's is another buddy (Foong Ling's) birthday. Wishing her healthy & happy always.
Also since friday is a more relaxing day (plus my boss is not around), I took a longer lunch and carry my 3 bags of to be recycle stuff to SOGO. In case you're wondering, we don't have recycle bin in my building.
I left on time and went over to KL convention centre for IBEX (International Baby Expo) to try to get some trade contacts and survey market. However was a little disappointed as this is merely a fraction of what we had in MVEC 2 weeks ago.
Saturday (11/8/12)
Another happy day for me... got to spend some time with my kiddies.
My elder one gets the chance to go swimming (thank to MIL) while my younger one gets the chance to have mama's full attention and all the pretty jie jie attention.
Really thankful to my bunch of good old buddies for coming over with buka puasa food and accompanying me for the night. Although tired, it made my days & nights more bearable especially when I have something to look forward to. Thank you very much CY, FL, KF & SY =)
Thanks to my buddies for the clothes they gave me too...I love them. Thank you very much.
Sunday (12/8/12)
Now it's time for bed ... to have a nice slumber and have another great day tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Learning &; understanding 弟子规 myself currently.
how can a mama teach her children if she herself doesn't even know?
Although I was not chinese educated but I'm always mesmerized by the wisdom of chinese language.
video : 37.2度杂货店
video : 37.2度杂货店
Sunday, August 05, 2012
it has been a long week
Working for full day yesterday (on a Saturday), I felt very tired.
I'm getting old these days.
But despite the exhaustion I'm glad I managed to slot in some personal 'achievement'
I managed to tidy up my office space (some 50%)
I managed to finish up to 50% of the book (My favourite wife) I'm currently reading
I managed to eat something that's heavenly ... Sago with santan & gula melaka
So despite the gruel of working on a Saturday, I managed to turn it into a more pleasant one...
So it's true that they say : Every cloud has a silver lining.
It's just that sometimes we have to look harder.
pics from google images
I'm getting old these days.
But despite the exhaustion I'm glad I managed to slot in some personal 'achievement'
I managed to tidy up my office space (some 50%)
I managed to finish up to 50% of the book (My favourite wife) I'm currently reading
I managed to eat something that's heavenly ... Sago with santan & gula melaka
So despite the gruel of working on a Saturday, I managed to turn it into a more pleasant one...
So it's true that they say : Every cloud has a silver lining.
It's just that sometimes we have to look harder.
pics from google images
Saturday, July 14, 2012
one door closed, another door opened
Since last month, I've gradually lost 3 of my breast pumping session companions.
(Yes, in case you're wondering, we do it TOGETHER in a room the size of a toilet cubicle ... i bet it does reflect how close and intimate we are)
1 transferred, 2 resigned
So here I'm down to 1.
For the 1st few days, I was not used to it.
I felt something was amiss ... it's like a part of me is missing.
I'm not used to having the small little space all to myself.
However, I guess it takes time to get used to it.
Recently, I started discovering again
(1) the wonders & pleasure of reading
...i hardly have time to read @ home but over the past 2 weeks, i managed to finish a book!
(2) the wonders & pleasure of being alone
... to wind down especially during stressful times.
(3) the wonders & pleasure of listening to radio
... Ai FM (chinese radio station) in particular ... can learn chinese, learn about topic of discussions and get to listen to real nice songs)
(4) the wonders & pleasure of escaping from gossip know what they say that you can't escape from the grapevine when you put a few 'ah so' together.
Since I'm the only one left ... I always do get asked
"Now left you 1 only ah? So how?"
"Now left you 1 only ah? so cham?"
so much so that I've just got to smile and say :
"What to do? 4 people together or me alone .. my baby still need drink milk everyday"
Thursday, July 05, 2012
track to track I'm on track ...
Since April this year, I've again started to track my expenses daily.
It's true that they say 'you won't know where your money go until you start tracking them'
and so I resorted to the conventional way of tracking my expenses in a physical log book (yes, I know I can do more with excel but it just doesn't work for me)
What prompted me to start was the fact that not only my savings is not growing, it is depleting pretty fast.
After the 3 months tracking & to my horror, I've been spending money like drinking water.
Unconsciously I've been siphoning money out of my account.
Unconsciously I've been using money to compensate whatever that's missing in my life.
Unconsciously I've been very not careful with my spending.
So I made myself put a brake to my urge to spend.
And today's the 5th day ... so far I'm still ok.
Hopefully this will last but I'm not too sure about it. I'm bad in this.
It's true that they say 'you won't know where your money go until you start tracking them'
and so I resorted to the conventional way of tracking my expenses in a physical log book (yes, I know I can do more with excel but it just doesn't work for me)
What prompted me to start was the fact that not only my savings is not growing, it is depleting pretty fast.
After the 3 months tracking & to my horror, I've been spending money like drinking water.
Unconsciously I've been siphoning money out of my account.
Unconsciously I've been using money to compensate whatever that's missing in my life.
Unconsciously I've been very not careful with my spending.
So I made myself put a brake to my urge to spend.
And today's the 5th day ... so far I'm still ok.
Hopefully this will last but I'm not too sure about it. I'm bad in this.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
when i got nothing better to do...
when I got nbtd, I enjoy fruit salad made by a colleague while thinking 'when only I rajin enough to prepare such a salad?'
had my parents-in-law what the world am I doing taking picture of the newspaper. This colourful page appear on Earth day with ways we can help to save the earth.
grab a picture of carebears ... i can't resist the colours while forcing my little girl to hug them. Apparently she's not as keen as her mother.
Couldn't resist grabbing another pic of carebears..
trying out the baby room for a hospital who is baby friendly after a medical checkup. Yes, at last I got my butt off for that medical checkup and the scary pap smear after my 'tear'
I feel good when local hospitals start to adopt baby friendly initiatives...i know advocating it is one thing and doing it is another ... but at least, awareness is being created.
another 'thumb up'
when i'm strolling with little one asleep in the stroller...this is what I do... taking pictures of design which can give inspiration for my sewing patchwork.
these designs gave me a 'whale' lots of fun
here's another
and another one of my favourite ... elephant mama & elephant baby (as my little one put in)
capturing books that I want to read but out of my budget ... taking down the titles graphically to grab at the next book warehouse sales.
Another local author who makes it big to international scene.. waiting to lay my hands on them only if they have it @ warehouse sales.
prepping myself up for some storytelling session with my demanding 2. I love the way they love my stories (even if I'm BS'ing)... honestly, I cannot remember any stories from my childhood days except for the stories of bangali / wolf catching small kids who roams outside at night. It was told because I was crying to go back to my babysitter home.
when I got nbtd, I waste money applying for membership card and wonder how much points have I wasted prior to owning.
when I got nbtd, I survey which milk powder is cheaper, more value for money and which one offer more attractive gifts. That way, my children won't be choosy and consume just any brand of milk powder. btw, this is the latest free gift from Anmum with collaboration with Fisher Price (children toy experts)
when I got nbtd, I rummage through my craft box and start thinking of stupid things to entertain my children (myself more actually).
this is what we get when I chuck everything from above picture into a mineral bottle and fill it with water...voila, a colourful play bottle to keep little ones occupied for a few minutes only(sigh)
offering to help choose & buy birthday present for a colleague. and realised that I'm not a good candidate for such an assignment.
when i got nbtd, I scoot around for freebies and shamelessly ask for them. Here, got one of them today from share the softness promotion
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