Friday, November 04, 2005

Happy Deeparaya

wishes all our friends .. Happy Deepavali & Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri !!! ; )
me know a bit late =p
what's nice about malaysia ... we get longer holidays & more fun when they are joint celebrations =)
read in THE STAR the other day that neighbours ... a muslim family & a hindu family eating halal 'loh-sang' .... that's the beauty =)

as usual, some nice quotes from print advert

Astro : time can never dim the light. It can only make it shine all brighter. Happy Deepavali
Calsberg : An ancient tamil proverb says "When blesses with benefits, share it round, so the world is improved too" Happy Deepavali
Petronas : Tunaikan tanggungjawab dengan ikhlas, tanpa mengharap balasan. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Honda Malaysia : hari raya aidilfitri kunci penyatuan, maaf dipohon dan restu dipinta, raikan bersama sanak saudara dan rakan taulan, semoga siralturahim erat sentiasa.
TM : united we stand, divided we fall. TMcelebrates the spirit that is uniquely Malaysian.
Digi : because there's no limit to a child's imagination in traditional story telling. For this year's joint celebration, share this tradition with your children and you will give our past a future. besides entertainment, story telling also helps bond families and friends.

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