Tuesday, December 04, 2007


little cheok fung is really cute =)

Stumbling upon this bola-bola pics, I have a story to tell =p
but first promise me you'll forget the story as soon as you close this blog for today ....promise?

When I was just like that age or maybe a little more bigger,
my parents bought me to Yogoso or Yosogo (too small to remember)
a shopping centre with bola bola pool for kiddies.

As playful as I'm even since small, I cried and begged that my parents pay
so that I can go in and play.
At last my parents relented and I darted into the pool like an 'arrow'
while mum and dad went for their shopping (or so I thought since no one came to help me)

While I was swimming aca aca in the pool of bola-bola, there's this little girl who keeps on pushing me down, down and down.
The more I try to run away from her, the more she push me down under the bola bola till I could 'tahan' no more.

I was never the 'keep-quiet-when-being-bullied' type.
I fought back. Dare to bully me... I mai BULI BALIK lor.

I made a stupid mistake..
I should have checked that her parents were not watching before BULI BALIK...
It was too late because by the time I realised,
someone had actually grab hold of my hand and hit my upper arm
half shouting at me 'DON'T YOU EVER DO THIS AGAIN' in Cantonese.
and carried their daughter away.

I was expecting my parents to stand up for me but I can't find them.
That naughty little girl started it first.
I felt like crying but I think
the bola bola also side me and told me
" Come have fun girl =) don't care about them "

hehe... I guess that's how I learnt to stand up for myself =p
During then, I may have blamed my parents for not being there to stand up for me.
Now, I think otherwise.

Note of advise : actually BULI is no good, neither is BULI BALIK
don't be like me =D

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