Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Long overdue tag - god of prosperity

A.被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案,然後去掉一個你最不喜歡的問題再加上一個你的問題,仍然組成20個問題,傳給其他8個人,列出其他8個需要 回答問題的人的名字,還要到這8個人的博客裏留言通知對方----你被點名了.


*Ok, the gist of the 2 paragraphs above are, I am to finished the 20 questions and then take one out which I don’t like and add one of my own. Thereafter, tag another 8 “lucky” souls to do this too..

So the next 8 tagged in no particular order will have all the abundance luck, happiness and prosperity,yada, yada, yada. So no reason not to do it!! Good karma to everyone who do it!!! :P

*Translated by Raoul and copied from Craprant.... keke

1. 小時候的理想是什麼?What was your childhood dream?
To be an adult. To be able to make decision for myself.

2. 現在最想做的是什麼事?What do you want to do most now? A healthy, happy and financially free life with my loved ones. These are what matter most to me.

3. 你會對哪種人特別有興趣?What kind(s) of person interest you?
I'm interested in all people .... Everyone is here on earth for a reason.
However I'm a little bit more attracted to ..
People with big hearts.
People who started from nothing and never give up

People who are down to earth

4. 你有多久没有傻笑了?How long have you not laughed yourself silly?
It's just something natural for me ... laughing at my own clumsiness and sillyness

5. 你最想去哪個地方?爲什麽?Where’s the one place you want to go and why?
Home where the heart belong.

6. 最受不了自己哪個缺點?What you think are your own shortcomings?
having shallow eyes that couldn't contain tears ...
having problems with tidyness

7. 如果有不開心的事情,你會怎麽辦?If you encounter any unhappy situation, how would you deal with it? Let it all out .... so that my heart is able to receive happiness again =)

8. 最害怕失去的東西?What is/are you most afraid most to lose?
The capability to love and to give.

9. 五年内比較現實的目標是什麼?What are your immediate 5yr goals?
Healthy and happy - me and my loved ones
Have a family
Work towards financial freedom.

10.覺得自己最笨是什麼?Do you consider yourself foolish? If so why/what?
I'm a foolish girl. Who hasn't been foolish before?

11.說出點你名的人的3個優點?What are the 3 strengths that you see of the person who tagged you?
Er…well read, logical and intelligent... LOL

12.你吃過最好吃的是什麼What’s the best food you have ever tasted?
I don't know where to start.
Most importantly, I can't decide which is the best =p

13.你最討厭怎樣的人?What kind of people you hate? (I suppose their characteristics)
Heartless people

14.现在最想学是什么?What’s the one thing you want to learn right now?
To take better care of my loved ones.
Just one more, a healthier life.

15.去過最美的地方是哪裡?Which beautiful place have you been to?

To earth.

16.如果被喜歡的人拒绝,怎麼辦?If you were jilted, how would you feel?
Sad but are grateful that this person has walked together with me in my life.

17. 讓你實現一個願望,會是什麼?If you could fulfill your desire now, what would it be?
Never have to worry about money. And have extra to help the needful.

18.现在你最珍惜的东西以及人物是谁?What is the most treasured thing/person in your life now?
My loved ones.

19.如果沒辦法跟自己愛的人結婚,你會怎麼辦?If you couldn’t marry the person you loved the most, what/how would you re-act?
Let him go ....

20.你今年最想收到的聖誕禮物?What you want for Christmas?
Learning to give through cooking delicious food

I got this tag from Anehoic (http://craprants.blogspot.com/), And now to tag 8 others, I nominate:

1. CY
2. Andy
3. Keef
4. Erin
5. Poh Wai
6. Jo An
7. Addy
8. Yen Ghee


anechoic said...

Thank you for taking the effort :)

Su said...

most welcome =) btw, it's a good tag, it makes me think what i want and not what i don't want =)

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