Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Constantine & Coincidence

Watched Constantine with a friend at leisure mall.
like the movie and the ever charming Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz (Angela) & Tilda Swinton (Gabriel)
Watching the movie was great, meeting long time lost friends coincidentally was greater.
met Jessica, Kathleen & Joe sitting 2 rows in front.
At first, I thought I saw someone familiar (they came in in a big group about 10 of them when the movie was about to start) but I didn't manage to call them.
It was after the movie end that we met at the staircase.
Alas didn't managed to chat much as my friend was in hurry but managed to exchange numbers. maybe we can go for another movie =)
Jesicca looked about the same, Kathleen had a new stylist hairstyle. They are still as close as they are last time =)

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