Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Aunty Su

I couldn’t help but wonder whether I look real old. I must admit I’m afraid of getting old … hehe =P

While waiting for ‘tapau’ dinner last Friday night, I was approached by 2 young kids perhaps brother & sister in standard 3 – standard 6.
I saw them wanted to ask me yet hesitating when finally the elder sister lead the younger brother.

The younger brother asked in mandarin
"aunty, would you like to make donation to help our school project?"

I laughed hearing myself being called ‘aunty’

" so, what school are you from?" I asked instead of "why do you call jie jie as aunty, do me look like old aunty?" (mind you, this is not the first time I’m being called aunty by children … sigh)
" we are from chung guo Chinese primary school" they replied while handing their blue donation cards & pens to me. If you can still remember those cards where we have to let donors fill their names & amount of donation.

"so what projects are your school doing with these donations?" I try to test them..hehe =P
the younger brother looked at me and then at the sister, expecting the sister to provide an answer.

" our school is going to build a new building and add library facilities" the big sister said.

" So how much should I donate?" I asked to see how these children reply
" As much as you like or you can write 2 names" the little boy said
Wow, I didn’t know children are very smart nowadays … the amount of donation can be split to a few names then they can get their job done faster … brilliant but not-so-right =D

Since they like to call me aunty, I decided to write "Aunty Su" in the name column for both cards. Well, first time writing "Aunty Su" seems weird and funny. Hope I don’t have to write that again in near future … haha …=D

There you go…
They ended the conversation "thank you, aunty"
Alamak…pengsan…haha… =D
Maybe writing ‘Aunty Su’ wasn’t a good choice after all … sigh …

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