Tuesday, July 05, 2005

one two three four

a nice story ...
make me wonder whether I'm thinking too much sometimes

(story was told in mandarin)

Once upon a time, there were 2 good friends Mr. Too Smart and Mr. Not-So-Smart. They heard that there is a stone at the top of the hill that can give sure strike 4D numbers (lottery).

Near the stone, they waited for numbers to appear when suddenly they hear

Mr. Not-So-Smart was very happy that he rushed downhill to buy 4D : 1234

Mr. Too Smart don't think it's that easy. To him, there must be something behind those numbers given. After spending some time pondering, he thought he finally got it, he finally managed to break the code.
Mr. Too Smart happily betted on : 2444 (well he even bought 4244, 4424 & 4442). He refused to share this finding with Mr. Not-So- Smart.

Guess who won the lottery prizes? assuming one of them did lah.
It is 1234. 1234. 1234 .....

This story got me thinking AGAIN ... sigh
why do me sometimes tend to think too much & complicate simple matters.
sometimes, it might be good to be naive & straighforward.
In cantonese, there's a saying that goes
" so yan yao so fuk " translated " dumb people have dumb people happiness"
what do you think?

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