Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bukit Tinggi - Now & Then

People change almost everyday, what more places.
Have a look at Bukit Tinggi now and about a year and 2 months ago..

Then, we were still new in the relationship... thus we slept on different beds

Now, we are much more closer and comfortable with each other....we slept together on king size bed.

Then, the trees are tiny...maybe about knee height.
Now, the trees are as tall as me

Then, at the japanese waiting house, a scary girl awaits you

Now, at the japanese waiting house, 4 sweet young ladies await you

Then, if the rabbit was afraid, I was more afraid of hurting this little vulnerable cutie.

Now, I think we both have more confidence and trust in each other.
ps. I really adore this photo (which I seldom do), I think it really captures my emotions (of happiness) at that moment. And one of my friend say that she like my hairstyle in this picture ... can be billboard advertisement for shampoo =p wakaka....
Then, I used to like to 'depan mari' ... wakakak....

Now, I think I like 'belakang mari' better =p wukaka....
ps. ok lah, just in case you are wondering... the above depan mari and belakang mari photo also taken on the latest trip on early Nov 07.

and this will be my all time favourite
Then & Now
Bukit Tinggi & anywhere
but then hor, all I get to eat is this beautiful piece of poster =p


anechoic said...

hmm, i see the bedsheet design is still the same..haha.

Su said...

wonder how long they actually use the bedsheet leh? =p

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