Friday, October 19, 2007

Do you?

I used to have my own filing system at home.
It is where I file up all my statements, bills and important documents.
However, for the last 2 to 3 months, I've been lagging in keeping track.

I got a real scolding from dad the other day for being so unorganised ...
all because I forgot to pay the utilities bills and ended up receiving reminders from the service providers.
I do take part of the blame but sometimes things slipped off our mind when we are occupied or busy.

Now, I'm trying (read TRYING VERY HARD) to be organised at least in the things I do.
I found it's really more effective, time and cost saving when we plan what we want to do properly beforehand and do it in an organised manner.
Here I'm sitting at my desk at home, soting and filing my statements diligently =p

Do you have any filing system? How do you usually organised your things around?
Please do share with me =)
so that I won't forget to pay bills again and get scolded for no reason =p

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