Monday, January 10, 2005

'jie jie don't bully me wor, I'll bring you to many beautiful places"

9/12/05 morning, cameron highlands
supposed to wake up, prepare & wake my parents up.
but maybe the weather very cold, very nice to sleep ... with those foam blanket
I didn't even hear my handphone alarm ringing, neither do I hear my parents waking up & started preparing to visit the 'chinese doctor'. I was basically sleeping like a log (as they put it)
I think I was dreaming when my father woke me at about 8.30am and said " faster wake up loh, pack and then we go .. late already "
but the strange thing is
my car is speaking to me in my dream
" jie jie, you don't bully me wor. I'll bring you to many many beautiful places "
apparently I thinked I dream about almost driving my car down a river (can't remember details)
makes me feel gulity for treating my car so badly =P

on our way back, I told my parents about the dream this morning, so my dad decided to buy the car registration number (you know la...who will forego chance to fatt choy oh)
and guess what ... just now, I heard my sister jumping with joy ... I asked why?
" ah jie, you see you see, our car number ah ... hahaha .... "
" ya wor, better ask daddy got buy or not. After no buy how? "

Although just a small amount, we are happy & excited.
and I think I understand what our car is trying to tell me
try imagining a car speaking to you in a child's voice
" jie jie, you don't bully me wor. I'll bring you to many many beautiful places "

" I'll take good care of you, car car "
I can't stop smiling ... I'm overjoyed =D

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