Over the last 20 over years, this is my 1st manicure & pedicure.
Friends who know me over the years will be able to tell that there's never a single day I ever had a nice set of 10 fingernails.
It is either always chapped, torn, broken, bleeding, with dead skins / extra at the side.
To add salt to injury, I've never had been able to keep long fingernails because they get torn before they are able to grow longer. That's a very bad habit I know (which I'm trying to get rid of) but somehow I just tear my fingernail when I get nervous.
'The katak hand" ... that's how my sis say everytime she sees my hand or when I try putting on ring. It somehow stuck in my mind and even I myself think my hand looks like one.
Imagine a bony hand with big knuckles and web in between the fingers, stump fingers with very short chapped fingernails... yucks! =p I know you won't believe what I said, but I'll let the pic do the talking =p
Even today as I'm deciding on the manicure, I refused to do the extension. Reasons being :
1. It's - just - not - me
2. I'm afraid it will break or come off before the photo day itself (knowing how chou lou I can be .... LOL)
3. I'm just too stingy to part with my money (ok lah, part of it ah dear's money... hehe)
4. A not-so-nice hand like mine even with the most beautiful fingernail extension will still be not-so-nice
It was a great experience ...
with the girl attending to me telling me that I've lots of dead skin cell around my nails, that my nails are short and asking me who drew those smileys on my hand (with pen) =p
When the girl accidentally cut the lower skin part of my thumb nail and it bleed, I know how she must have felt attending to a lousy customer like me ... who have never been to manicure before..thus explain nails full of dead skin cells, ... who have never been to manicure before .. thus explain taking so long to choose the colours for her nail.
It took me about an hour 15 minutes to complete the manicure & pedicure, but waiting for the fingernails to dry was a torture.
On a positive note, I get to 'do nothing' (poor ah dear have to help me do everything).
the best part, I like how dear hold me on the wrist =)
Will I go for it again?
I don't think so unless circumstances require me to.